
 i Press/Reklam

30.8 kilo monster cod – Johan and Big Bob strikes again! The cod fishing at Sørøya in Northern Norway seems to be at its best right now. This past Sunday the head guide at the Nordic Sea Anglings camp, Johan Mikkelsen, caught a cod over 30 kilo.

It was the second time during his career he crossed the 30 kilo barrier and as far as we know, this also makes him the first Swedish angler to ever do this. This day he started out with a 25.5 kilo fish as second cod of the day and then he caught the really big one ­– 30.8 kilo. The amount of cods present was amazing and the average weight was really high. Johan ended the days big cod session by catching a 21 kilo fish. All the cods were caught on the 730 g Magic Minnow, Big Bob jig.

Lately Johan has been using one of our new Edge 3776-T rods. It’s a 5’2” Speed jigging rod developed for tropical fishing. According to Johan it’s also a great rod for heavy cods in colder regions.

Kinetic Test Team member Jakob Lindberg also had a great day. In total the team on his boat caught nine fish over 20 kilos. The biggest took the scale to 25.1 kilo. The day after Johan was “grounded” and had to take care of work ashore in the camp, while Jakob and his team had another crazy day. In total they had seven fish over 20 kilos and the biggest was another monster for Jakob. At a weight of 30.3 kilo he caught the third cod over 30 kilos during his many years as a passionate cod angler.

A constant flow of pictures and news from Nordic Sea Angling can be found on their website:


Johan Mikkelsen showing his impressive 30.8 kilo cod caught on a “Fancy Cola Cacao” colored Big Bob jig.

Photo courtesy: Jonas Broman /   

If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture:

For further information on Kinetic, Tica, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin, Unique Flies, Hardy, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please visit


Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby
Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00



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