
 i Press/Reklam

Hi folks,

Danish Angler, Jakob Thurman, had an amazing pike premiere! Jakob chose to troll 2 x 19cm 4play lip lures on a large reservoir with a series of shallow bays and the action was hectic to say the least. Jakob landed 16 superb fish with the absolute highlight of the day being a double hit of two big fish measuring 112cm and 116cm and weighing 11kg and 11,6kg!! While landing the first biggie, the second 4play lure was hit hard and after some rather hectic fights, he could put two big fish on the matt. Jakob then pulled the boat ashore and took a few shots before releasing the two immaculate fish. What a double!!!

In other pike news, Bob Bibby ‘Jammy’ caught a new personal best Sunday evening. The massive fish fell for a Blue and Silver 19 cm 4Play Swim and Jerk lure fished alongside a reed bed in a canal basin.

Bob and his fishing buddy both tipped the fish to be in the mid to upper double lb range – until they landed the fish and put a hand under its belly to lift i out. The fish was heavy! And when it was finally weighed, it turned out to be an amazing 25lb!!!

The galleries at are teeming with great new catches. Also, be sure to check out the saltwater gallery. A monster 30kilo fish is waiting for you!

Oh, and don’t hold back on the reports. We can’t get enough!

Hi Res pictures available upon request.

Med venlig hilsen/All the best

Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S


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